➡ englischsprachiges Anschreiben: Traineeprogramm

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Beiträge: 112
Registriert: 29.02.2016, 10:54

➡ englischsprachiges Anschreiben: Traineeprogramm

Beitrag von Cybarb »

Hallo zusammen,

ich möchte mich für ein Traineeprogramm in der Pharmaindustrie (Funktion: Market Access) bewerben und wäre dankbar für Einschätzungen zu meinem Anschreiben. Zur Information: Das Programm soll zwar größtenteils in Deutschland absolviert werden, enthält aber auch internationale Phasen. Deshalb soll die Bewerbung auf Englisch verfasst sein.

Hier das Anschreiben:

Dear Sir or Madam(*),

I am a medical ethicist with a research focus on regulatory issues in emerging biotechnologies, and currently in the final stage of part-time postgraduate studies in health economics. Having obtained these complementary qualifications, I regard myself as a particularly suitable candidate for ((Traineeprogramm)) in health economics and market access because this area of pharmaceutical development encompasses both economic and societal aspects.

In my postgraduate studies, I specialised on the areas of market access and business planning: I developed a proposal for a market access strategy for an OTC product (with both national and international options), learned how to design and critically evaluate clinical studies, and wrote a business plan for a fictitious company in the healthcare sector. In a particularly challenging task, I designed a cohort study that aims to assess the quality of life of endometriosis patients under different treatment options. For my master’s thesis, I will develop a strategic concept for the public and governmental affairs departments of pharmaceutical companies.

My expertise in medical ethics complements these health-economic qualifications: I have conducted both individual and collaborative research on regulatory models for emerging biotechnologies that was published in leading international journals, such as ((zwei Fachzeitschriften)). Therefore, I possess the ability to communicate complex and sometimes controversial healthcare-related issues to diverse audiences. Since my research involved collaborations with colleagues with different backgrounds, such as sociology, law, or public health, I am familiar with teamwork-oriented and interdisciplinary environments.

I am motivated to participate in ((Traineeprogramm)) because I know the challenges of dynamic healthcare systems and would like to obtain a responsible position in health economics that fits my qualifications. My academic interests and health-economic skills demonstrate my willingness and ability to contribute to progress in biomedical research and innovation by supporting ((Unternehmen)) in the introduction of new products to pharmaceutical markets.

Please treat this application as confidential since I currently hold a contract of employment. Thank you for considering my application for ((Traineeprogramm)). I welcome the opportunity to discuss my fit for this position in a personal interview.

Yours sincerely,

(*) Ja, allgemeine Anrede ist nicht optimal, aber leider sind keine Ansprechpartner genannt, und der Bewerbungsprozess wird durch einen Personaldienstleister ohne Kontaktmöglichkeit verwaltet.

Meinungen? - Vielen Dank!
Beiträge: 51
Registriert: 29.08.2009, 12:46

Beitrag von ramke »

Verstehe ich das richtig: Bewirbst du dich jetzt in Deutschland oder in einem anderen Land? Ich meine jetzt nicht wo dein Traineeprogramm stattfindet.

Hintergrund ist folgender: Bewerbungen sehen in anderen Ländern teilweise ganz anders aus. Möglicherweise solltest du dies beachten.
Beiträge: 112
Registriert: 29.02.2016, 10:54

Beitrag von Cybarb »

ramke, danke für deine Rückfrage.

Zur Klärung: Ich bewerbe mich beim Deutschlandsitz eines international tätigen Konzerns mit Hauptsitz im englischsprachigen Ausland. Die Stellenausschreibung ist auf Englisch, was für mich impliziert, dass auch die Bewerbung auf Englisch verfasst sein sollte, auch wenn dies nicht explizit gesagt wird. Betreut wird der Prozess von einem deutschen Personaldienstleister.
Ich deute das so: Sprache von Anschreiben und CV soll Englisch sein, ansonsten gelten aber "deutsche Gepflogenheiten".
Beiträge: 48
Registriert: 26.01.2016, 18:53

Beitrag von Laptoptasche »

Dear Sir or Madam(*),

Dear Dir/Madam

I am a medical ethicist with a research focus on regulatory issues in emerging biotechnologies, and currently in the final stage of part-time postgraduate studies in health economics. Having obtained these complementary qualifications, I regard myself as a particularly suitable candidate for ((Traineeprogramm)) in health economics and market access because since this area of pharmaceutical development encompasses(crappy word) both economic and societal aspects.

In my postgraduate studies, I specialised on in the areas of market access and business planning: I developed a proposal for a market access strategy for an OTC product (with both national and international options), learned how to design and critically evaluate clinical studies, and wrote a business plan for a fictitious(falsches Wort mit negativer Denotation: "Fake") company in the healthcare sector. In a particularly challenging task, I designed a cohort study that aims to assess the quality of life of endometriosis patients undergoing different treatment options. For my master’s thesis, I will develop a strategic concept (of what) for the public and governmental affairs departments of pharmaceutical companies.

My expertise in medical ethics complements these health-economic qualifications: I have conducted both individual and collaborative research on regulatory models for emerging biotechnologies that was published in leading international journals, such as ((zwei Fachzeitschriften)). Therefore, I possess the ability to communicate complex and sometimes controversial healthcare-related issues to diverse audiences. Since my research involved collaborations with colleagues withfrom different backgrounds, such as sociology, law, or public health, I am familiar with teamwork-oriented and interdisciplinary environments.

I am motivated to participate in ((Traineeprogramm)) because I know the challenges of dynamic healthcare systems and would like to obtain a responsible position in health economics that fits my qualifications. My academic interests and health-economic skills demonstrate my willingness and ability to contribute to progress in biomedical research and innovation by supporting ((Unternehmen)) in the introduction of new products to pharmaceutical markets.

Please treat this application as confidential since I currently hold a contract of employment. Thank you for considering my application for ((Traineeprogramm)). I welcome the opportunity to discuss my fit for this position in a personal interview.

Yours sincerely, Formal richtig: "Yours faithfully"
Your cover letter doesn't read very well and has too little content considering its length. Quite a few of your sentences takea scenic route to convey a rather simple bit of information -> be more succinct.
I think the first paragraph should start out with how excited you are about this opportunity
Beiträge: 1963
Registriert: 20.12.2015, 15:18

Beitrag von katerfreitag »

Ich finde auch, dass hier ein bisschen Enthusiasmus nicht schaden würde. Ich bekomme auch keinen richtigen Eindruck von Deiner Persönlichkeit. Das kann natürlich daran liegen, dass Du auf Englisch schreibst - und es ist schwer, in einer Fremdsprache zu scherzen...
Andererseits können genau das native speaker richtig gut. Im Vergleich mit denen wird Dein Anschreiben wirken wie Pappkarton auf Toast. Soll heissen: sehr trocken...